Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012... A Year in Retrospect

In 2012, I learned how to "Return the Favor" (in all aspects) and came to appreciate the power of reciprocation. I learned how to be a time & energy scrooge and stopped just giving it away to opportunists or people who didn't appreciate the effort.

I learned that while a picture is worth a thousand words, so is a person's silence... it speaks volumes. Just remember, closed mouths don't get fed and life WILL continue.

I learned that not everyone is stable or prepared enough for a public platform, and once words are spoken OR written, they cannot be taken back. Although you will never truly know the damage you may have done, asking forgiveness (with sincerity and a humble heart) is a good place to start.

I learned that nothing is ever as bad as it seems, and proof of that is anywhere else you can look. Giving 100% and being content is paramount in realizing just how good you've got it. I learned that misery is a common illness, and those affected by it will eventually infect many of those around them. If you are the one who is miserable, believe me, it's obvious to EVERYONE.

In 2012, I learned to stay away from people who were able to quickly identify flaws in others, but struggled to see all of the flaws they have in themselves. Helpful Hint: A clean mirror may help alleviate that problem. It will show you what you refuse to see.

I learned that the best advice comes from those who have SUCCESSFULLY navigated the way and made it to that place where you are trying to go. Someone at your level can not advise you on how to go further. They need advice themselves!

In 2012, I realized that there is NO need for a New Year's resolution. When you deal with the issues, the matters, and the concerns of life as soon as they happen and leave them resolved, then you can proceed with confidence. In addition, stop saying what you're going to do and just DO IT! If all you ever do is plan, you will never accomplish.

To sum it up, this has been a year of challenges and triumphs. I'm grateful for the revelation that showed me how and who people REALLY are and the ability to move around the nonsense. Trust and believe, when you become more selective, your mind will be clear. Remember, not everyone will be happy for you and not everyone who pretends to be for you really is. Discernment will reveal that truth.

Now... Here's to a NEW Year, and a NEW chapter. Page one, Let's go!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Checkmate (The Vent)

(Every now and then you have to vent and here's mine, so let's go...)

You say you're blessed, but unknowingly show you're burdened;
you say you love everyone, but will consistently loathe anyone.
You say you have peace, but you stay so pissed;
you say you care, but the criticism lingers there.
The same lips that speak words so sweet, can turn around and spit fire and heat.
Full of anger and pure resentment, but in the next breath feign humility and contentment.

Someone who lacks true compassion and is unhappy; appearing to be large and in charge, but in reality, only the display is in HD.
Making endless attempts to hide behind perceived notions and projected emotions, to guard your OWN stuff so obviously!
Since life has been a little unkind, you choose to waste valuable time,
lecturing others on what THEY are doing wrong, when all along, it was YOU who needed to come correctly;
constantly up and down emotionally. Seems like you're in the same boat, a mirror image, but what a delivery!

You have them all fooled, but not me...BRAVO! You deserve an Emmy!

Closer - Goapele