Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Damaged Goods"

While grocery shopping one day, I suddenly decided in the middle of my task, that I wanted some canned peaches. I usually do not add additional items to my already complete list, but that day I just had to have them. I made my way to the canned food aisle and to the peaches, and began loading several cans into my cart. Once I got to the register to checkout, I noticed a couple of my cans had dents in them. Now although I am sure there was nothing wrong with the product inside, I just could not rest knowing my cans were damaged. Since I was alone in the store and to avoid causing a hold-up at the register, I politely excused myself from the already very long line, and returned to the canned food aisle.

Once I arrived, I began to check each can I grabbed to make sure they were not damaged. I wanted to make sure I got only the good ones. I am so grateful God does not pass over those of us who are damaged goods in pursuit of only the good ones. Thank you, Jesus for giving your life so that I may be forgiven and once again become one of the “Good Ones”!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


When you hold your breath too long, your body starts producing toxins. The longer you hold your breath (waiting for something to happen), the more deadly the activity becomes. Refusing to breathe can also be an example of what we sometimes do in our personal lives. We allow ourselves to become so attached emotionally, it is likened to making an unhealthy or more so deadly decision to suffocate yourself.

Sometimes we are so consumed with poisonous thoughts, words, deeds or people, that the only way to truly heal from the inside out, is to exhale and release the life draining toxin from our lives. So what has you holding your breath today? Just say, AAAHHH and let it go!! Be determined to love yourself and make your emotional stability a priority!

Closer - Goapele